Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Spell Community = EUCHARIST

It's been three months now since I moved to Texas and it has been anything but slow.  From the time I rise until the time my head hits the pillow at night, it is usually a high pace day with a lot that should/could get done.  In the midst all this busyness I find myself still having plenty of time to think...something that I've constantly been aware of and thinking about is the lack of community that I grew so accustom to in my years in college.  The apparent lack of community is possibly the the toughest BLESSING I've been given since I arrived.  How so?  Well, simply put, I am now more aware of the community and consolation that Christ gives us and I am also more aware of the community we partake in during Mass.

Humanly speaking it is sometimes hard to grasp how exactly we can be so connected by such a SEEMINGLY simple event.  The truth is the mystery of the Mass is much deeper than we can grasp!  Humanity has been able to produce phones that allow video chat and social networks that continually keep us continually connected to the rest of the world.  With this in mind, I believe it is fairly evident and logical to infer that the One who created those who produced these devices has even more power to unite His creation then creation itself.

Anyone who has taken five minutes of philosophy could have deduced what I just said, but that's not the point. Even if I could master all the philosophical concepts in the world it would mean nothing if I didn't have faith! Faith without reason is like life without ANY of the senses ...yes you can still live but you aren't fully experiencing what it truly means to be alive.  I think most would agree that the sites, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches of everyday life greatly influence the majority of our experiences and by removing these one is left with with only a fragment of what ones body was originally created to do.  As I stated earlier, I believe it is similar with the spiritual can live a life without faith, but it is greatly restricted because your not experiencing it as we were created to. 

Anyways, that's just my two cents about community even when it seems like there is none...

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