Friday, November 26, 2010

Chosing Joy

At this time of year I'm always amazed how at fall seems to be forcefully meshed  into winter with the over secularized and over commercialization of the upcoming holidays.  I'm use to seeing Christmas things during the week of thanksgiving, but this year it seems like many many stores felt the need to start putting Christmas stuff up shortly after Halloween...It's no wonder lots of people want to hear no more Christmas music come December 26th. I mean I understand the business side of early preparation - the economy being bad it probably isn't a bad idea (business wise) to push the Christmas shopping up as much as possible.  Still, whatever the reason, it liturgically can be somewhat frustrating because there are so many wonderful blessings that come with November that are seemingly missed by many Catholics.  Lets start with All Saints Day & All Souls Day - two beautiful celebrations that remind us of the amazing community we are surrounded with...even if it isn't physically.  Then near the end of November you always have the celebration of Christ the King - such an awesome day to celebrate Christ as King !!! Then a week later is start the new liturgical year which means Advent. Then after four weeks of Advent then the Christmas season begins...but wait lets back this up.

Advent...what a blessed time.  Often times the over commercialization can cause us to seemingly miss this time of spiritual preparation all together.  We, as Americans, can find ourselves spiritually lacking because to often we may be focusing on shopping for that perfect gift or (as I've often experienced) cramming for those final exams.  Grades and gifts come and go but spiritual malnutrition can have some serious repercussions, so I think it is time to step up and strive to make this Advent the best ever.  One way to prepare ourselves is to not lose sight of what the season of Advent is all about - preparation for the birth of our Savior !!! 

Churches around the world prepare their nativity sets and often times place the Christ child in the manger at midnight Mass.  With this in mind, the past few years Advent, for me, has meant preparing my heart, like the manger, for Baby Jesus.  It may sound silly, but I find that in trying to resemble something so simplistic I find myself being more simplistic and in turn truly investing in the hope & joy that come with the Advent & Christmas season. Think about it - the manger wasn't meant for the Savior of the world, it was a basic feeding trough for animals, but God chose something ordinary to be the means in which He would be revealed to the world.  I'm just an "ordinary" Catholic, but in God's eyes no Catholic is just ordinary they are extraordinary and a means by which He hopes to be revealed to the world. Yes, in saying yes to bringing Christ to the world I will face my fair share of "crosses", but I will not live in fear of suffering rather I will try my best to joyfully embrace it knowing that it is another way to bring Him to those in the world that go without Him.

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