Monday, September 27, 2010

The Crazy Life

As a college student I only thought I knew what it meant to be busy. However, as I begin working at a parish that has more than 2,500 families and is minimally staffed I now know, to a new extent, what it means to be busy.  In the midst of all the chaos that comes with moving to a new location one thing I continually committed myself to was maintaining my prayer life. Only by the grace of God  have I been able to do so consistently.  As the days between my first and my fiftieth seemingly run together I am now even more aware of the fact that I cannot give what  I do not have.  So, it is only by constantly renewing my YES to Christ and to His will for me that I am truly able to serve the youth of the Church.  

In the midst of two very hectic months there have been many highlights and I want to share them; however, I cannot always write ten different letters or make ten different phone calls every time I want to share something. Keeping this in mind one reason I've decided to start a blog is so I can share some of the things God is doing here and in my life.  Another reason I decided to start a blog is simply so I have a place to share my thoughts and ideas with other.  Whether you visit this blog because you simply want an update on how things are going or because you find what I have to say at least somewhat interesting I want to welcome you and I hope you enjoy.

One way to stay up to date: Saint Edward Youth

More still to come...when time allows.