Friday, November 25, 2011

Mission Field

After graduating from high school in 2005 I always desired to do mission work.  You know, go to Africa or Haiti or Mexico and help those who "can't help themselves" and in the midst of it have some life changing experience that would change my outlook on life forever.  Well, it's 2011 and I still haven't gone to Africa, Haiti, or Mexico, but that doesn't mean I haven't done mission work and that I haven't had some life changing experience.  Truth be told, as a single person working in youth ministry living 800+ miles away from "home" dependent upon the generosity of others to have a place to live, my life screams missionary.

To the world, I seem like a recent college graduate struggling to make it in the world, but to the One who knows the true depths of my heart I'm right where He wants me...continually seeking Him! Oh how tiring this life can be when not fully centered on Him.  Even the slightest spiritual distractions can seemingly cling to us like a parasite feeding off our failures.  Oh how necessary it is for my heart to be properly disposed to He who made me and for whom I was made.

What separates normal everyday people from missionaries is not location, paycheck, or work attire; rather it is attitude, disposition, and grace.  I am not here to witness history; I am here to be a witness to Christ's work in my life...I pray everyday that "He must increase; I must decrease!"